Case study: PolicyDock digitizes MGA products; links to legacy system within 2 weeks



PolicyDock offers an automated migration tool that digitizes your entire portfolio in a matter of days. Our well-documented APIs allow you to distribute products digitally while ensuring integration with any technologies from the past and the future.


Find out how an insurtech like us partnered with an MGA to offer a seamless experience for their policy holders.



In order to stay competitive, an MGA wanted to create a fully-digital insurance sales and servicing solution that seamlessly integrated with the insurance carrier’s legacy platform. Integrating with the carrier and building a full digital platform would take at least over six months of work by a full-stack engineering team. This is cost-prohibitive, slow, and still doesn’t allow real-time business monitoring.



PolicyDock digitized the insurance products and securely integrated with the legacy insurer system within 2 weeks. The MGA and its agents can now offer a seamless quote & bind experience and customer portal to policyholders. Back-office labor is substantially reduced. The MGA can monitor portfolio results in real time and generate high-quality reports with ease. 



  • Solution completed and deployed within 2 weeks — 12X faster than alternatives
  • 90%+ lower cost than previous internal cost estimates
  • 80% reduction in back-office labor costs 
  • Real-time reporting enables confident management of product offerings and pricing.

If this sounds interesting to you, please contact us here for a demo.


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