We’re proud to announce that Bryan Falchuck, who has extensive experience in the insurance industry as a successful executive and as well as scaling an Insurtech start-up has joined our strategic board of advisors. We have already learnt a lot from him in our interactions and hope to learn more, while we share a common vision of how an agile and modular API microservices approach can revolutionize the industry. A direct quote from his new book:
“These (Microservices and API’s) are all incremental tools, but in aggregate, they enable a true evolution from where we have been. They just do so in a simpler way than legacy tools could have done before. That is a pivotal shift for us.
Andy Stevenson added clarity to this idea, as well:
“Likely more successful strategies will be to find answers that require less commitment; where adoption can be trialed, assessed and then easily swapped out in the future — a move away from one enormous engine doing everything, to an ordered collection of services that can be traded, swapped, and upgraded without needing wholesale change.”
Excerpt From: Bryan Falchuk. “The Future of Insurance.” Apple Books. https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-future-of-insurance/id1516204741

More about Bryan:

Bryan Falchuk is a best-selling author, speaker and consultant to the Insurance industry on the subject of innovation. He has written for many top publications like Inc. Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, LA Times and more, been a guest on over 200 podcasts and radio shows, and presented multiple TEDx Talks. Bryan spent 20 years in the insurance industry, including time in McKinsey & Company’s insurance practice and serving as CCO for a billion-dollar carrier before joining AI-enabled InsurTech pioneer Hi Marley to help drive their growth. With his unique experience in carriers, consulting and InsurTech, Bryan founded IEP to help carriers evolve in a market facing disruption.
Bryan holds an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and a BA in Economics from Bowdoin College. His latest book, “The Future of Insurance from Disruption to Evolution,” shares case studies of 7 carriers who innovated at a time of change and pressure in the industry.